Messaging within Prograds
Prograds provides a Messages screen for faculty and students. (This is separate from the Admin messages screen that is for correspondence from the program to the student.)
The student and their committee can compose messages from the Student Messages screen. These will be visible chronologically on that screen.
Administrators (including the Director) cannot see the Messages page and have no access to the messages data in Prograds between students and their supervisor and committee. [The Director can, of course, see their own students’ messages].
Email Notifications. When composing the message, the student can tick a box so that the supervisor gets an email notification with a link to the messages screen. When a faculty member composes a message, an email notification can be sent to the student and committee.
Replies. Replies to email notifications do not get picked up in Prograds. We recommend the recipient of the notification click on the link in the email to get into the Prograds Messages screen for that student and reply with a new message from there, notifying the original sender.

Last updated on April 6, 2022