Prograds Basics: The Screens

A tour of the four screens of Prograds

It's easiest to understand how to work with Prograds if you understand what the screens are and who can see them. Fundamentally, Prograds is about a screen for each Student, one for each Faculty member, and one for Administrators (Staff and DGS). There are a few more behind the scenes, but these three are the core of the system. All users have a Profile page that can only be accessed by the user themselves and the administrative users. Faculty can’t see Students’ profile pages.

The Student Page

For details and how to use it, see The Student Progress Page

The Student Page is a screen where Students and Faculty see the same information: all about the student's progress, funding, what they're working on, events, and courses taken. Administrators can see this screen too, of course.

The Student, Faculty Supervisor, and Adminstrators can add and edit Requirements, Employment, Funding, Events, and Courses.

Milestones are set at the program level and so can only be completed, approved, and have notes added.

Student Progress Page
Student Progress Page

The Faculty Dashboard Page

For details and how to use it, see The Faculty Dashboard

The Faculty Dashboard Page shows Students Supervised, Students whose committee the faculty member is on, and Graduated Students.

Clicking anywhere on the student's entry brings you to the Student page — except clicking on the envelope, which takes you to the student's Messages page.

It also shows a chronological listing of Events and Updates for all of that faculty's students, and separately, a list of Milestones completed.

Note that Faculty can go to their students' pages quickly from the dropdown in the middle of the header bar.

Faculty Dashboard
Faculty Dashboard

The Admin Dashboard Page

For details and how to use it, see People Dashboard (list of Students and Faculty)

This is simply a listing of Students and of Faculty.

Click on each one near the top left to toggle between the two lists.

Clicking anywhere on the user's entry takes you to their Page or Dashboard. Clicking on the profile button takes you to their profile page.

You can search and filter using the top bar.

Admin Dashboard
Admin Dashboard

Department & Program Settings Screens

All of the settings for the Department and its Programs live on another two screens.

Here, you set the Department information, the Administrative users, its Programs, Funding Sources, Courses, and Labs.

Clicking into a Program lets you set the Program's Stages, Milestones, and Requirements.

Department Profile Screen
Department Profile Screen
Program Information Screen
Program Information Screen

Additional Screens

Currently, Prograds also has:

User Profile screens

A student-committee Messages screen

A student Files listing

A Funding roll-up screen/table for Administrators

We'd love to hear if there is other functionality you think we should have. Contact us at

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Last updated on April 6, 2022