The Student Progress Page

The Student Progress Page

The Student Page is where most of the action is in Prograds. It holds all of the student's history, progress, and current activity.

The Student Information Area (top of page)

At the top of the page the Student's supervisors and committee are listed.

Additional information includes: Stage of the Program, On leave status, Year in the Program, and Lab membership.

Access the student's files and messages from buttons at right. (Administrators cannot view the Student-Supervisor-Commitee Messages page).

Users with administrative privileges can jump to the Student's profile from here to add and change student information.

The Student Page is made up of Items: Working Ons, Milestones, Requirements, Events, Employment, Funding, and Courses. All items except courses can have file attachments. Those are added at the bottom of each item and the files then also appear in the Student’s overall Student File List available from the top right of the Profile and Student Page.

Working On

The Working On (WO) area is for the student to indicate what is being worked on, show what has been completed, and plan upcoming activities.

The Working On area is at the top to signal that Prograds is built mostly to help students make substantive progress in their research program. We hope students and their supervisory committees use it as a way to communicate and stay up-to-date on the research project.

Only Students can add to a Working On entry. Faculty Supervisor and Commitee Members can edit the Working On items to add to the notes/description.

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Each Working On has a

  • title and description,
  • start date, due date, and completed date,
  • indicators for completion and approval (optional)
  • file attachments.

Click on an existing WO to edit it, mark it complete or approved, and adjust dates.

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When the Student Page is loaded, the display scrolls right to the Working On with a due date closest to the current date.

When a student adds or updates a Working On, the supervisor gets an email notification.


Milestones are embedded within the Program Stages. Milestones and their dates are populated by the program, in months relative to each Student’s program entry date. When a Student account is created in Prograds, that Student gets the Milestones from the Program. When a Milestone is added by a Program, it populates to all Students in the Program.

Milestones have Ideal Completion dates and Deadline Dates.

Students can be exempted from Milestones by administrators.

Click on a Milestone to edit it, mark it complete and approved, and adjust dates.

Milestones and Requirements may need approval by administrators and/or supervisors and/or committee members. These approvals are built into Prograds, so when a Milestone is completed a list of approvers is generated and those faculty are notified and can log in and indicate approval.

Milestones' titles are fixed.

Once Milestones are completed, they cannot be edited by the student.

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Note that when you start using Prograds you may have lots of 'overdue' Milestones and Requirements because their ideal and deadline dates are relative to your program entrydate. You'll just need to go in and complete them and then wait for approval from your faculty or program administrators.


The difference between Milestones and Requirements is that Requirements are not within Stages and so they are not as obviously chronological.

Example Milestone: Selecting and appointing a dissertation committee. Example Requirement: A second language.

Like Milestones, Requirements are populated by the program. When a Student account is created in Prograds, that Student gets the Requirement from the Program. When a Requirement is added by a Program, it populates to all Students in the Program.

The dates for Requirements are in months relative to the Student's program entry date.

Requirements have Ideal Completion dates and Deadline Dates.

Milestones and Requirements may need approval by administrators and/or supervisors and/or committee members. These approvals are built into Prograds, so when a Milestone is completed a list of approvers is generated and those faculty are notified and can log in and indicate approval.

Unlike Milestones, individual Requirements can be added to a Student. This allows for things that must be completed but are specific to a student or to students in specific fields or with different kinds of research.

Click on a Requirement to edit it, mark it complete and approved, and adjust dates.

Once Requirements are completed, they cannot be edited by the student.


Events keep track of things that are not part of the program, but are useful to have recorded for reference by the Faculty member. Events are basically free-form title and notes, with dates and file attachments. Events can optionally be classified by a fixed list of types of event provided by Prograds. At present those are:

  • Publication
  • Award
  • Conference
  • Practicum
  • Internship
  • Reference Letter (Prograds is building a better Reference letter request system, to be released in 2022)
  • Meeting
  • Note (a general category for all other events)
  • Stage Transition (a special event populated by program administrators)

You can use the Search icon to open a box to search or list by keyword or event type.

Click on an existing Event to edit it.

Employment and Funding

Employment and Funding work similarly. For both, if you select a Funding Source and the "Use Source Defaults" switch, the name and amounts will fill in from the Funding Source's details specfied in the Department Profile (see Student Funding and the Funding Table).

We realize that Employment and Funding overlap a lot. We intended Employment to be used for Research and Teaching Assistantships, while Funding would be used for all funding not associated with a job.

Note that funding items have a maximum duration of one year. So for multi-year funding, separate annual items will be created.


Employment and Funding events have the following fields:

  • Start Date, End Date
  • Guaranteed Funding Package (yes/no toggle)
  • Received (yes/no toggle)
  • Organization (Employment only)
  • Supervisor (Employment only)
  • Lab (Employment only)
  • Notes
  • Attachments
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Administrators can add Courses to students. If the Department has allowed it, Students can add Courses to their own Page.

If the Deparment permits, students can manually add courses to the department listing and they will be added to their own courses and then available for selection by other students. See Working with Courses.

Courses can be reordered manually to display chronologically or by topic.

Click on the Plus button beside the Courses title to open the add/edit Courses box.


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